Tranny phone sex is not for every man. Let me be clear about something. I am no one’s bitch. I may occasionally be a beta bottom to a monster cock, but if you have less than me; I mean less than 10 hard inches, you are my bitch. Julio found out the hard way that I am a dominant tranny. We were enjoying a nice day in the park, when his hormones got the better of him. He pulled out his cock and told me to “suck it bitch.” Hell no. Not when all he had was 5 inches at best. You cannot get dominant with me without consequences. I tied him up and forced his to suck MY cock. Made him a bottom beta bitch in front of anyone who wanted to see a chick with a dick in bitch mode.
I filled his mouth up with my big shemale cock and skull fucked him into submission. Dragged his ass back to his place and fucked his back door pussy for hours. “Who is the bitch now,” I kept saying as I thrust deeper into his ass. I broke his alpha male side quickly with my hard throbbing cock. I will break yours too. Never underestimate the power of a sexy tranny cock.