As we head into the bedroom after a nice date on the town, you tell me you have never been with a tranny before. I chuckled saying there was a first time for everything. Then you went further by saying you had never touched a cock other than your own and had never allowed anything entrance to your ass. I ask if you are having second thoughts. You quickly reply No, but you want me to be easy and remember that you are an ass virgin. We go to the bedroom and you go to your knees, taking my cock out and attempting your first blow job. You are sure an eager beaver. I tell you it is ok to slow down a bit and really enjoy the experience. So you begin taking your time. You spend the better part of and hour exploring my tits, cock, and balls with your hands and mouth. I begin to massage your ass and work my fingertip into the rosebud. Using a nice lube, my fingertip slides in. You are extremely tight. It is easy to tell you were telling the truth about being an ass virgin. I take it slow, easing my finger in gently and slowly until I am knuckle deep inside. Then I push past with effort and slide my finger completely in. You begin to moan. You are enjoying all this anal attention. You turn your ass toward me indicating you are ready. I lube my thick cock well and hold your cheeks apart. I tell you to relax as my head pushed in. Slowly, your ass begins to open for me allowing my thick cock to make entrance into your tight passage. Your anal muscles are gripping my cock tightly. As I begin stroking in and out, you and I are both whimpering with desire. You ass is so tight I know I wont last long, but I try to hold out. It’s not long before this new experience however has you shooting off a massive load, and seeing this sends me over the edge as well. I fill your bowels with my large load of thick hot cum. I believe you are a natural at this, and you are already asking for a second date next week? Sure baby, I am eager to please, especially your nice tight ass.