I love going out on the town with you. My pretty face, long raven hair, luscious tits, and round ass make me a perfect lady on your arm. You take me to dinner, to a dance club, or even to a business affair. I am a perfectly behaved companion for the evening. Only you and I know that once we get back to your place, it is I that will be in control. You will be reduced to a perfect little subby fuck slut. I will bind your arms and legs and you will obediently comply to my every wish.
When I approach, you dutifully open your mouth ready to take my tranny cock down your throat to the balls. You are a talented cock sucker, bringing me close to coming so I must pull out to keep from coming too quickly. I move behind you and take my whip to your ass. You love being spanked and I love to deliver your punishment. When your bum is appropriately reddened, I position my cock at your opening prepared to stretch your tight ass around my cock. It slides in pretty easily and you are instantly moaning in lust. Your ass loves being filled with my shemale cock. I fuck your sweet ass until I am close to coming. I pull out leaving you whimpering, move back to your face, and have you clean my cock with your pretty little mouth, swallowing all of my cum, not missing a single drop.